Weekly Update – May 16, 2012

Welcome Shelby County!

Please join me in welcoming our 99th library, Shelby County Public Library, to the Evergreen Indiana consortium! This brings the current Evergreen Indiana service population to 948,743 residents. Shelby County Public Library currently has three branches: Main branch (SHCPLSC), Genealogy branch (SHCPLSG) and the Bookmobile (SHCPLSB). Please send transits to the main branch (SHCPLSC).

Another branch of the Shelby County Public Library will be added next month: Morristown branch. More information coming soon!

Reminder about patron alerts

Attention Circulation Staff: Just a reminder that the patron database is accessible to everyone in the consortium. As such, it is helpful when creating a patron alert or note to include your library shortname, the date and your initials. That way, if anyone has a question about the alert/note, they can get in contact with the correct individual.

Whitelist for AOL patron emails

The Evergreen Indiana helpdesk made a request to AOL to whitelist the notification emails automatically generated by the system for AOL customers. This request was approved by AOL recently. This means that the patron notifications for AOL customers will no longer be automatically sent to patron spam folders.

Patron and staff members should be aware that there are still several reasons why they may not receive their patron notifications: individual spam folder settings, other providers blacklisting the server, mailbox full, etc.